Pitch Engine

  • Written by News Co Media

There are no longer ceremonial ribbon cuttings like there used to be, or those milestone events that occur with a brick and mortar business. This is because more new businesses are launched virtually, and more often than not it is an app startup. Despite this being the road taken by many up and coming entrepreneurs, there is still not a lot of information about how to launch an app startup. So, how much does it cost to make an app, and how do you go about launching your app startup in the Australian market? Today we are going to discuss it all.

Vet your idea and test viability

Not all ideas are going to be winners, and that’s what really separates the hobbyists from the business person. To launch an app in Australia, you need to keep emotion out of it and thoroughly vet your idea to ensure you are going to be pursuing a winner. This means that, ideally, the market is not too saturated, or if it is you are bringing something entirely different to the market. You also want to produce a minimum viable product that you can launch to the market to test the reception and make changes based on those initial user experiences.

Work with an app developer

Chances are you are not an app developer yourself, and that is fine because it truly is a niche skill. By working with a professional app developer you can develop an offering that they can apply a technical and user experience lens to. They are also going to flag areas that you hadn’t thought of - like data protection, speed and integration with other apps. Your options are to choose an app design agency or go with a freelancer - both options have their advantages and considerations, so make the best decision based on your needs and budget.

Start lean and grow incrementally

Your aspirations can be as big as you want them to be, but you want to be making growth plans for your app as and when you see the app startup grow. Many start with a couple of people who bring the technical acumen, the vision and perhaps the marketing strategy - and this is the lean vehicle that drives the startup forward. Early days will see lots of your investment geared to the app itself, so don’t hire a large team only to have to decide whether to pay their salaries or make those critical app changes.

Funding options

It’s typically the money that will stall a startup from launching sooner, and there are a number of ways around this hurdle. Many app startups will seek seed investment from sophisticated investors looking to diversify into the app arena. You can also take your app idea on the road and pitch it at app pitch festivals where investors and affiliate companies can hear your value proposition and decide to learn more about your app startup. 

The app is ready - now what?

With most of the blood, sweat and tears spent on the app build - the launch itself can often be overlooked. How and when you bring your app to the app store will have a direct impact on how successful it is - so you might want some outside help. This is when choosing an app developing agency is really worth it, as they have done this with such a range of app types and can impart some marketing wisdom that might promote greater download figures in the early days. When you are choosing an app developer, be sure to mention that this is an area you would like support in so that they can begin the thought process on how to launch the app on various app stores.

How you launch an app in Australia is going to vary based on the nature of the app and the existing resources you already have in place. We hope this guide has been valuable in understanding your next steps and options as an app startup.